11th July 2018
Dad’s diagnosis inspires daughter to run for hospice.

A half-marathon runner whose father was given just weeks to live raised more than £400 for Nottinghamshire Hospice who cared for him in his Gedling home in his final weeks of life.
Tracey Plummer was already booked to run the St Albans half marathon when her father Barry was diagnosed with advanced melanoma in his lungs in March.
The family were so impressed by the palliative care he received from our Hospice at Home nurses Tracey decided to run the race in aid of the hospice.
Tracey said: “Dad’s wish was to be at home but mum was getting very worried at night time so we arranged for hospice at home nurses to care for him through the night.
“They were very supportive and as he got more poorly they increased the care so we had help most nights. It made a massive difference. Without that support it would have been so much harder. He totally got his wish.”
Tracey’s father was able to die at home with all his family around him.
Tracey, who lives in St Albans, had run several half marathons before but although her father’s illness meant she was unable to put in as much training as usual, she still finished the race in two hours three minutes. Barry died just two weeks before the race so Tracey ran in his memory.
“I got quite tearful when I told Dad what I was doing and he was proud of me. Because he died a couple of weeks before the race I couldn’t do the long training runs I’d hoped to do, so I literally put my head down on the day and went for it.
“I felt absolutely committed to raising money to help the hospice as the care they provided was priceless. The people they sent to care for dad during the night were invaluable.”
Assistant Community Fundraiser Amy Longstaff said: “Tracey has such a touching story and I’m so pleased Nottinghamshire Hospice was able to be there for her and her family during their time of need. By choosing to support us, she has ensured that we can continue this care for families like hers all across Nottinghamshire.”
Nottinghamshire Hospice needs £2.7 million each year to carry out its work caring for patients and their families across the county. This year it aims to raise £50,000 through a series of charity challenges ranging from skydives and running events to a trek up Kilimanjaro or along the Great Wall of China.
If you would like to fundraise for Nottinghamshire Hospice contact the fundraising team on 0115 910 1008, email fundraising@nottshospice.org or go to https://www.nottshospice.org/get-involved/fundraise-for-us/