28th May 2020
Game is on to support hospice in 24-hour gaming marathon

Lily Jane Hickling and her fiancé Jason will be battling it out in a 24-hour non-stop gaming marathon this weekend to raise funds for Nottinghamshire Hospice.
The couple, from Mapperley, will start and finish with Minecraft, tackling Skyrim, Jurassic Park, Ninokuni and Jedi Fallen Order plus other video games along the way. One of them will be playing at all times.
Lily said: “We were wondering what we could do that would challenge us whilst remaining safe and indoors and thought we could do this between us. We’re both passionate gamers. We’ve been gaming ever since our dads got us our first games consoles. We love that you can drift off into another world and get involved in the story.”
Nottinghamshire Hospice is close to Lily’s heart as her grandmother received hospice care in Nottingham at the end of her life.
“I never got to meet my grandmother but my mum told me how much the hospice care helped in her final days,” said Lily
“We’ve chosen to support Nottinghamshire Hospice because they are suffering at the moment due to the Covid-19 outbreak and losing vital funds through cancelled events and closed charity shops.”
The gaming marathon starts at 12 noon on Sunday May 31st and finishes at 12 noon on Monday 1st June and will be live streamed on twitch for people to watch via https://www.twitch.tv/liliatalila.
Lily and Jason hope to raise £300 which will help Nottinghamshire Hospice continue to provide crucial end of life care in patients’ homes across the county. They are already well on the way with £231 already pledged.
Nottinghamshire Hospice is expecting a loss in funding of £150,000 due to shop closures and event cancellations during lockdown. It launched its Forget Us Not appeal last month to address the shortfall. Find out how to support the appeal here