15th May 2018
New book captures tales from the hospice

Day therapy patients and hospice staff have been sharing their stories in a special project to capture precious memories in print.
Their stories will appear in Life’s Whispers, a collection of writing due to be published next month. The stories range from a single mum’s experience with an autistic child to a woman’s fight to become the nurse she dreamed of being.
Authors will read extracts from their work at the book launch at Waterstones, Nottingham on Saturday 9 June from 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Ray Mellors, 93, is one of 17 patients and staff members who took part in the project. His story records his first date with his late wife Doris who he met when he was 16.
Ray says: “I’ve really enjoyed it. I’m looking forward to seeing my story and my wedding picture in a book!”
Facilitator Victoria Villasenor from Global Wordsmiths CIC, who ran the eight-week project with her colleague Nicci Robinson says: “The stories are all deeply personal, heartfelt, and show the depth of experience running through the hospice.
“There is evidence that creative writing can help people make sense of their emotions and is in itself a therapeutic process. Capturing people’s stories in print is valuable not just for the patients but also as a legacy for their loved ones.”
The project has been funded by Arts Council UK.
Kerry Lovell, Occupational Therapist at Nottinghamshire Hospice says: “The project involved thinking about the many pivotal moments in our lives and choosing just one experience to develop into a story. This allows a significant moment in each person’s life to be recalled and treasured.
“I’ve really enjoyed listening to the stories as they have developed. Some are packed with humour, but more often they are poignant and uncover a part of us that we don’t always want to show or talk about directly.
“It has given our patients a great boost to be involved in this project and to see their work in print. We hope to continue with therapeutic writing as an activity now that the project is over.”
The book will be on sale at the launch for £5. Some of the proceeds will go to Nottinghamshire Hospice.
Details of the launch are here: https://www.waterstones.com/events/book-launch-lifes-whispers/nottingham