7th March 2019
Outlaws feel full force of the law at hospice Jail and Bail

A law-firm’s head of marketing, a retail manager and characters from Star Wars were among felons in the dock at Nottinghamshire Hospice’s Jail and Bail event last week.
The alleged criminals were arrested, tried and thrown in the cells at the National Justice Museum as part of the hospice fundraiser. Their only means of escape was to raise enough bail money to get released.
Star Wars characters including Princess Leia, Boba Fett, Lord Vader and a Storm Trooper joined Jo Walchester, Head of Marketing at Rothera Sharp Solicitors and others on trial for heinous crimes such as using an obscene amount of hairspray and firing off too many hotheaded emails.
Penny Cooper, Head of Retail at Nottinghamshire Hospice, stood trial for continually losing keys and glasses at work. She said: “Although I was actually guilty I was found innocent on the day. I would like to think this was down to my charm however it may have been in order for me to continue to look after retail as we need to raise over a million pounds in funds to support the hospice from the retail division.
“It was great to be able to support the fundraising team along with all the other so called criminals in this fun event. Finally though I still lose my glasses all the time in fact I left a pair down in the cells.”
Jo Walchester, Head of Marketing at Rothera Sharp, said: “Taking part in Jail & Bail to raise money for Nottinghamshire Hospice was great fun and I am relieved and grateful to my colleagues, friends and family for helping me raise my bail money to get out, it was good to see a few people wanted me out of prison!
“Events like this give us an opportunity to show our support for the important work that Nottinghamshire Hospice does and we do so in memory of all of our loved ones affected by cancer.”
Gemma Taylor-Mahon, Partnerships Development Lead at Nottinghamshire Hospice said: “We enjoyed hosting this fun spin on a networking event with its unique fundraising element.
“We’re very grateful to our supporters at Rothera Sharp and the East Midlands Garrison for taking part and we’re delighted that our defendants managed to raise over a thousand pounds in bail money which will go towards crucial palliative care for our patients and support for their families.”
The Jail and Bail fundraiser was one of many ways of raising vital funds for Nottinghamshire Hospice and we have just launched our Spring into Action campaign aimed at encouraging people to sign up for a fundraising challenge.