21st May 2020
Pam braves lockdown head shave for Notts Hospice

It’s one thing to have your head shaved in the experienced hands of a professional hairdresser, it’s quite another to entrust your 18-year-old daughter to the task, while the whole family looks on via Zoom!
Pam Jones gave the expression ‘lockdown hair’ a whole new meaning when she had a close shave to raise funds for Nottinghamshire Hospice as a thank you for her mother’s care. Pam’s mum Connie received care from the hospice in her final days after being given just weeks to live.
Pam, who lives in Swindon said: “I’ve always had long hair but in lockdown it was getting really long. I said if I can get £250, I’ll have it shaved. I got that within a day, so I went for it!”
Her daughter Caitlin, home from Uni, got to work with the clippers while family members and friends cheered on remotely. Initially Caitlin (pictured above with Pam) gave her a 6 mm buzz cut then a week later Pam decided to go one further.
“We went down to the absolute smallest setting on the clippers, which left me with just a fine smattering of stubble,” Pam added. “I’ve had my hair long for decades, so this was a massive thing for me to do. But now it’s gone I love it!”
Pam’s parents, originally from Wales, retired to live in Langar in Nottinghamshire. In June last year her mother, aged 77, was diagnosed with incurable oesophageal cancer and the family were told she had six to 12 months. In August Pam returned from holiday in Florida to learn her mum had just weeks to live after suffering a catastrophic bleed, so she and other family members travelled over to be with her. The hospice stepped in with hospice at home care, enabling Connie to stay at home until the end.
“My poor dad was on a knife-edge. He’d been looking after her at home for weeks, sleeping next to her in a chair and he was exhausted. Nottinghamshire Hospice came in for three nights before she died so we were able to get some rest. It was invaluable,” Pam added.
“Mam had what she wanted which was to be at home with family around her in her final days. It helped us because rather than traipse back and forth to hospital we could be with her at home. All the people that came were lovely. Without their support I really don’t know how we would have managed. Those very hard days were made easier by their care and compassion.”
Pam knew the hospice’s fundraising ability would be severely affected by lockdown, so wanted to do something to help.
“In these difficult times, it’s the smaller charities like Nottinghamshire Hospice that are missing out on vital fundraising, their shops are shut, events can’t be held, so I’m pleased I could do something to help,” she said.
Pam has easily smashed her original £250 target, raising an impressive £550 with more expected.
Roxie Hickling, Fundraiser at Nottinghamshire Hospice, said: “We’re so impressed by what Pam’s done to raise money for us at this time. Big thanks to Pam and her family for supporting our appeal.”
Nottinghamshire Hospice is expecting losses of £150,000 over a three-month period due to shop closures and event cancellations during lockdown. It launched its Forget Us Not appeal in March to address this shortfall. Find out how to support the appeal here.